Welcome to JARS!

The Johnston Amateur Radio Society was formed in September of 1975. The “JARS” group has come a long way in its 40 year history. A monthly newsletter is sent to the membership to keep everyone informed of the current events.

The Johnston Amateur Radio Society has exclusive rights to call the AK4H repeater (147.270 Mhz) home. The repeater is located on the WRAL/WRDC TV tower in Auburn, NC. The repeater is actually owned by the Auburn Repeater Corporation which is comprised of JARS members.

Upcoming Events

ARRL Field Day 2024 June 22nd & 23rd

JARS ARRL Field Day 2024 information can be found at https://www.jars.net/jars-field-day-2024/. Please let us know you coming by sign up at the provided link above.

Remember to check the Calendar for upcoming events!
